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Join Judy

Because we all deserve a clear voice in Concord.
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Meet Judy

We all want to feel welcome, safe, and happy in our own community. We all want our children and grandchildren to receive a good education — and inherit a habitable earth. We all want to be able to afford decent housing and a reasonable standard of living, especially as we age.


I am running for the State House because I do not believe these Goffstown values are adequately represented in Concord, and I intend to change that.



Our commonalities outweigh our differences.


Support Public Education

The number one reason I am running is to be a voice for public education. As a 26-year veteran teacher, I am intimately familiar with the struggles our schools face when it comes to funding. We must adequately fund education at the state level to give our children the opportunities they deserve, provide our teachers the resources they need — and reduce our local property taxes.


Lower Property Taxes

Everyone in Goffstown is feeling the pain of high property taxes, especially our seniors and others on fixed incomes. The most meaningful way to reduce those property taxes is through legislation at the state level — which includes adequately funding education, building revenue sources (instead of cutting them), and reducing unnecessary spending. Believe it or not, I’m a fiscal conservative!


Reduce Our Cost of Living

From groceries to healthcare, every penny counts. I'm committed to making New Hampshire more affordable for ALL of us. I will address rising costs by supporting affordable housing and childcare, controlling healthcare and energy costs, and promoting local businesses that create jobs and support families.


Protect Our Rights and Freedoms

Freedom is the ability to control your own body. Freedom is being who you are and loving who you love. Freedom is the ability to cast your vote without getting caught up in bureaucracy. I stand for and will protect reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and voting rights in New Hampshire.


Protect Our Environment

NH is already seeing warmer winters with less snow, severe droughts that impact our water supply, and extreme storms with destructive flooding. I support legislation that transitions us to renewable energy, improves energy efficiency, and preserves our natural resources. By addressing the climate crisis, we can also create new jobs in clean energy sectors, building a more sustainable and prosperous state.

Volunteer for Judy

YOU can make a real difference in my campaign.

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Your contribution makes a meaningful impact on my ability to win a seat in the State House. I can't do it without you!

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